I wish to understand what it takes to start a business in respects to what kind of person with which drives, motivations, or talents is needed as well as the basic legal process of creating a business; including the paperwork, funding, sponsors, and any other requirements are needed to begin and maintain one. I also want to know the ups and downs of creating a business in the modern world during a time where internet and media coverage can make or break any company. I can understand that advertisement has always been a factor in business for a very long time but how has the internet intensified the concept? Another is how to find sponsors or partners in the business world and if one is found what is needed to reach a profitable conclusion. All the points mentioned will more likely differ from person to person, but I feel that is especially applies to this one. I must learn these secrets to lure the competition into a false sense of security so that the scouts of the 41 st ...
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